What is Aikido? 
Aikido, “The Art of Peace”, is a martial art and spiritual discipline where conflict is resolved harmoniously through the redirection of the attacker's energy.

Why Aikido for Kids at Genshinkan White Plains? 
Aikido is not only an effective means of self defense for children, but also offers them the opportunity to experience growth beyond the school.  Strengthening their sense of awareness, learning how to connect with others, and avoid conflict altogether through peaceful resolution are values that are reinforced in every one of our classes.

Are There Tournaments?
Aikido is non-competitive; there are no tournaments or trophies. The goal is “victory over one’s self”.

Are Size and Strength Important?
People of all ages, sizes, and levels of physical fitness/athletic ability can benefit from Aikido. It does not require great physical strength.

Are there separate beginners and advanced classes?
No. We all learn from each other, and the structure of each class involves partnering with one another. The goal of any longtime practitioner is to return to the "beginner's mind" that visitors originally start their training with. An Aikidoka with 10+ years of training has just as much to learn from someone who just started, as beginners have to gain from working with experienced students. In this manner, we all take care of each other and help one another grow.

What are the benefits?
The benefits go well beyond physical fitness and learning a self-defense. The long-term benefits transcend the physical and extend into all aspects of life. Aikido training takes place in the dojo, but as students train they begin to realize the daily applications of the art.

How do I start?
Please call, 914.358.4509, or email, GenAikidoWP@gmail.com. We’ll help you register your child for a class that is best suited for them. We offer trial classes for a flat fee of $20. If you decide to register your child after their trial class, the $20 fee will be applied to your first tuition payment. Comfortable sweatpants/leggings and a t-shirt can be worn during trial classes. Upon registering, a bleached white uniform (available for purchase at the school) is required.